- 土岐 和多瑠
- 「木質依存性昆虫の多様性と生活史進化に関する研究」
- 松村 洋子
- 「生物力学と進化形態学の融合から紐解く昆虫交尾器の多様性」
- 森山 実
- 「昆虫の環境適応機構に関する研究」
- 山本 周平
- 「ハネカクシ上科甲虫を主とした体系学と古生物学」
- 三田 敏治
- 「セイボウ上科ハチ類の多様性」
- 渡辺 恭平
- 「ヒメバチ科を中心とする寄生蜂類(ハチ目)の分類学的研究」
- 高須賀圭三
- 「行動から見るクモの寄生バチの適応進化」
- 大庭 伸也
- 「タガメの採餌を巡る生態学的研究」
- 大島 一正
- 「ホストレースを用いた植食性昆虫の進化遺伝学的研究」
- 杉浦 真治
- 「種間相互作用に着目した昆虫の生態系機能の解明」
- 丸山宗利
- 「好蟻性昆虫とアリの多様性と進化」
- 上村佳孝
- 「昆虫の交尾器の進化・多様性機構に関する多面的研究」
- 徳田誠
- 「植食性昆虫の系統分類学および進化生態学的研究」
- 後藤慎介
- 「ハエ類の季節適応機構に関する研究」
和文誌「昆蟲(ニューシリーズ)」と英文誌「Entomological Science」の前年度の巻に掲載されたものから2論文が選考されます。
- Shun Kobayashi, Chihaya Takaoka, Hiromu Tanimoto, Satoru Arimitsu, Masako Izawa
Effect of spraying behavior and body size on predators of the big head stick insect Megacrania tsudai (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae).
Entomological Science 25: e12508. https://doi.org/10.1111/ens.12508
- Masanori J. Toda, Kohei Takenaka Takano, Toru Katoh, Ling Xiao, Jian-Jun Gao, Masako Yafuso
Coexistence mechanisms of Colocasiomyia species (Diptera: Drosophilidae) sharing inflorescences of Alocasia odora (Araceae) as a host plant: Comparison between two- and three-species systems.
Entomological Science, 25: e12506. https://doi.org/10.1111/ens.12506
- Mariko Furukawa, Kosuke Nakanishi, Atsushi Honma, Koh-Ichi Takakura, Kazuyo Matsuyama, Naoya Hidaka, Hiroichi Sawada, Takayoshi Nishida
Differential performance of contrasting defensive traits of cocoons of two moth species against bird predation.
Entomological Science 24 (3): 261-269.
- Masakazu Nishimura, Masato Ono
Evidence of alternative reproduction by drifting workers in the Japanese paper wasp, Polistes rothneyi Cameron, 1900 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae).
Entomological Science, 24(2): 111-115.
- Kohei Suzuki, Yoko Watanabe, Koji Tojo
Embryogenesis of the damselfly Euphaea yayeyamana Oguma (Insecta: Odonata:Euphaeidae), with special reference to the formation of their larval abdominal “gill-like” appendages.
Entomological Science 23 (3): 280-293.
- Shin-ya Ohba, Kaoru Numata, Keisuke Kawano
Variation in flash speed of Japanese firefly, Luciola cruciata (Coleoptera: Lampyridae),identifies distinct southern “quick-flash” population on Goto Islands, Japan.
Entomological Science, 23 (2): 119-127.
- Dagmar Voigt, Pablo Perez Goodwyn, Masaaki Sudo, Kenji Fujisaki, Michael Varenberg
Gripping ease in southern green stink bugs Nezara viridula L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae): Coping with geometry, orientation and surface wettability of substrate.
Entomological Science, 22, 105-118.
- Kei W. Matsubayashi, Sih Kahono, Sri Hartini, Haruo Katakura
Extremely divergent host plant acceptance with gene flow between sympatric host races of the phytophagous ladybird beetle Henosepilachna diekei.
Entomological Science, 22, 404-412.
- Yusuke N. MInoshima, Matthias Seidel, Jamie R. Wood, Richard A. B. Leschen, Nicole L. Gunter, Martin Fikacek
Morphology and biology of the flower-visiting water scavenger beetle genus Rygmodus (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae).
Entomological Science, 21, 363-384.
- Tatsuro Kanagaya, Tomoyuki Yokoi, Mamoru Watanabe, Hideharu Numata
Overwintering success in adults of the Japanese common grass yellow Eurema mandarina.
Entomological Science, 21, 216?224.
- Hideki Ueno, Naoyuki Fujiyama, Sih Kahono, Sri Hartini, Peter W. de Jong and Haruo Katakura
A solanum beetle on a fabaceous weed: Host plant generalization and specialization are two sides of the same coin.
Entomological Science, 20, 195-212.
- Toru Katoh, Hiroyuki F. Izumitani, Shinji Yamashita and Masayoshi Watada
Multiple origins of Hawaiian drosophilids: Phylogeography of
Scaptomyza Hardy (Diptera: Drosophilidae).
Entomological Science, 20, 33-44.
- Kosei Hashimoto, Koh Suzuki & Fumio Hayashi:
Unique set of copulatory organs in mantises: Concealed female genital opening and extremely asymmetric male genitalia.
Entomological Science, 19(4), 383-390
- Sinzo Masaki, Masayuki Soma, Hidenori Ubukata, Haruo Katakura, Rie Ichihashi, Zhuqing He, Nobuaki Ichijo, Norio Kobayashi & Makio Takeda:
Ground crickets singing in volcanic warm “islets” in snowy winter: Their seasonal life cycles, photoperiodic responses and origin.
Entomological Science, 19(4), 416-431
- Koichi Tanaka, Kouhei Murata & Asana Matsuura:
Rapid evolution of an introduced insect Ophraella communa?LeSage in new environments: temporal changes and geographical differences in photoperiodic response
Entomological Science, 18(1): 104-112
- Usun Shimizu-kaya & Takao Itioka:
Host-plant use by two Orthomeria (Phasmida: Aschiphasmatini) species feeding on Macaranga myrmecophytes
Entomological Science, 18(1): 113-122
- Kosei Hashimoto & Fumio Hayashi:
Cantharidin world in nature: a concealed arthropod assemblage with interactions via the terpenoid cantharidin
Entomological Science, 17(4): 388-395
- Taisuke Kanao, Munetoshi Maruyama & Ryutaro Iwata:
Systematics of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) associated with Hodotermopsis sjostedti (Isoptera: Termopsidae)
Entomological Science, 17(4): 409-424
および一般向けの昆虫学 教育普及分 野に関する、優秀なホームページを表賞する「あきつ賞」を設けています。
- 応募者なし
- 「東京大学総合博物館・博物館データベースUMDB昆虫」
- 矢後勝也・伊藤泰弘
- 応募者なし
- 応募者なし
- 審議の結果、受賞サイトなし
- 審議の結果、受賞サイトなし
- 応募者なし
- 審議の結果、受賞サイトなし
- 「愛媛県のトンボ」
- 久松定智
- 選考せず
- 選考せず
- 大阪府立大学ハーモニー博物館 学術資料 昆虫
- 広渡俊哉・平井規央・石井実
- 電子 図鑑 「里山のゴミムシ」
- (2016年11月24日 返上を承認)
- 日本産蝶類和名学名便覧
- 猪又敏男,植村好延,矢後勝 也,上田恭一郎,神保宇嗣
- 該当者なし
- 該当者なし
- 日本&滋賀県のオサムシ
- (2016年11月24日 返上を承認)
- 日本産ゾウムシ上科甲虫の画像付き種情報データベース
- 小島弘昭(東京農業大学)・森田正彦(慶應 義塾大学)・小檜山賢二(STU研究所)
- セミの家
- 税所康 正(広島大学)
- 日本産アリ類画像データベース
- アリ類データベース作成 グループ2008 [吉村正志(九州大学:学術特定研究者)・鵜川義弘(宮城教育大学)・緒方一夫(九州大学) ・小野山敬一(地球村自遊学者)・今井弘民(元国立遺伝学研究所)・久保田政雄(元日本蟻類研究会会長)]
- 山陰のヒメドロムシ図鑑
- 林 成多
- 中根コレクション
- 吉田尚生・大原昌宏・田中眞理
- 昆虫パラタクソ ノミスト養成講座初級コース
- 大原昌宏・澤田義弘・山本ひとみ・田中眞理
- 虫の生活を観察する会: 里山と街の虫たち
- 友国雅章
- 日本竹筒ハチ図鑑
- 牧野俊一・佐山勝彦・岡部貴美子・阿部渉
- Mothprog
- 神保宇嗣
- Web版ネクイハムシ図鑑
- 林 成多
- ハチ・アリの 博物館
- 橋本佳明
日本昆虫学会学会賞は論文賞であり、和文誌「昆蟲(ニューシリーズ)」と英文誌「Entomological Science」の前年度の巻に掲載されたものから2論文が選考される。
- Shigeyuki Aoki, Utako Kurosu, Mayako Kutsukake, Tsung-Jui Hsieh, Man-Miao Yang, Jae C. Choe & Takema Fukatsu:
- The aphid Ceratovacuna nekoashi (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Hormaphidinae) and its allied species in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Entomological Science, 16(2): 203-221.
- Soichi Osozawa, Zhi-Hui Su, Yuichi Oba, Takashi Yagi, Yasushi Watanabe & John Wakabayashi:
- Vicariant speciation due to 1.55?Ma isolation of the Ryukyu islands, Japan, based on geological and GenBank data. Entomological Science, 16(3): 267-277.
- Kazunori Yoshizawa & Mutsumi Wagatsuma:
- Phylogenetic relationships among superfamilies of Cicadomorpha (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) inferred from the wing base structure. Entomological Science, 15(4): 408-421.
- Junichi Yukawa, Hiroshi Ikenaga, Shinsuke Sato, Makoto Tokuda, Tomoko Ganaha-Kikumura, Nami Uechi, Kazunori Matsuo, Misako Mishima, Gene-Sheng Tung, Jong-Cheol Paik, Bao-Qing Ren & Xiao-Yu Dong:
- Description and ecological traits of a new species of Pitydiplosis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces leaf galls on Pueraria (Fabaceae) in East Asia, with a possible diversification scenario of intraspecific groups. Entomological Science, 15(1): 81-98.
- Yoshitaka Kamimura & Hiroyuki Mitsumoto:
- Comparative copulation anatomy of the Drosophila melanogaster species complex (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Entomological Science, 14(4): 399-410.
- Munetoshi Maruyama, Takashi Komatsu & R. Henry L. Disney:
- Discovery of the termitophilous subfamily Termitoxeniinae (Diptera: Phoridae) in Japan, with description of a new genus and species Entomological Science, 14(1): 75-81.
- Munenori Sugiura, Michio Imafuku & Takeshi Ohtani:
- Skipping flights in Ypthima butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Entomological Science, 13(2): 183-190.
- Vasily V. Grebennikov & Richard A. B. Leschen:
- External exoskeletal cavities in Coleoptera and their possible mycangial functions. Entomological Science, 13(1): 81-98.
- Minoru Moriyama & Hideharu Numata:
- Comparison of cold tolerance in eggs of two cicadas, Cryptotympana facialis and Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata, in relation to climate warming. Entomological Science, 12(2): 162-170.
- Keizo Takasuka, Rikio Matsumoto & Nobuo Ohbayashi:
- Oviposition behavior of Zatypota albicoxa (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), an ectoparasitoid of Achaearanea tepidariorum (Araneae, Theridiidae). Entomological Science, 12(3): 232-237.
- Takuji Tachi & Hiroshi Shima:
- Phylogenetic relationships of subgenera of the genus Exorista Meigen, with a revision of the Japanese species (Diptera: Tachinidae). Entomological Science, 11(4): 419-448.
- Atsushi Fujita, Kaoru Maeto, Yoshitake Kagawa & Noboru Ito:
- Effects of forest fragmentation on species richness and composition of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae and Brachinidae) in urban landscapes. Entomological Science, 11(1): 39-48.
- Rikio Matsumoto & Kazuhiko Konish:
- Life histories of two ichneumonid parasitoids of Cyclosa octotuberculata (Araneae): Reclinervellus tuberculatus (Uchida) and its new sympatric congener (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae). Entomological Science, 10(3): 267-278.
- Norio Hirai & Minoru Ishii:
- A danaid butterfly, Ideopsis similis, overcomes parasitization by a tachinid fly, Sturmia bella. Entomological Science, 10(1): 35-43.
- Michael F. Braby:
- Evolution of larval food plant associations in Delias Hubner butterflies (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Entomological Science, 9(4): 383-398.
- Eisuke Hasegawa & Eiiti Kasuya:
- Phylogenetic analysis of the insect order Odonata using 28S and 16S rDNA sequences: a comparison between data sets with different evolutionary rates. Entomological Science, 9(1): 55-66.
- Masahiko Kitahara & Koichi Fujii:
- Analysis and understanding of butterfly community composition based on multivariate approaches and the concept of generalist/specialist strategies. Entomological Science, 8(2): 137-149.
- Koji Sasakawa & Kohei Kubota:
- Cryptic species of the subgenus Morphnosoma Lutshnik (Coleoptera: Carabidae; genus Pterostichus) from Japan. Entomological Science, 8(4): 389-404.
- Rie Tomisawa & Shin-ichi Akimoto:
- Host range and host preference of a flea weevil, Orchestes hustachei, parasitizing aphid galls. Entomological Science, 7(1): 21-30.
- Teiji Sota, Masakazu Hayashi & Daisuke Iwai:
- Phylogeography of the leaf beetle Chrysolina virgata in wetlands of Japan inferred from the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes. Entomological Science, 7(4): 381-388.
- Rosichon Ubaidillah, John Lasalle, Donald L. J. Quicke & Jun-ichi Kojima:
- Cladistic analysis of morphological characters in the eulophine tribe Cirrospilini (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Entomological Science, 6(4): 259-279.
- Takenari Inoue:
- Chronosequential change in a butterfly community after clear-cutting of deciduous forests in a cool temperate region of central Japan. Entomological Science, 6(3): 151-163.
- Shuji Kaneko:
- Aphid-attending ants increase the number of emerging adults of the aphid's primary parasitoid and hyperparasitoids by repelling intraguild predators. Entomological Science, 5(2): 131-146.
- Akira Shimizu & Ryouke Ishikawa:
- Taxonomic studies on the pompilidae occurring in Japan north of the Ryukyus: genus Dipogon, subgenus Deuteragenia (Hymenoptera) (part 1). Entomological Science, 5(2): 219-235.
- Masahiko Muraji:
- Molecular, morphological, and behavioral analysis of Japanese Gerris (Macrogerris) water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae): Evidence for a new species. Entomological Science, 4(3): 321-334.
- Seiji Tanaka, Chihiro Katagiri, Tetsuo Arai & Koji Nakamura:
- Continuous variation in wing length and flight musculature in a tropical field cricket, Teleogryllus derelictus: Implications for the evolution of wing dimorphism. Entomological Science, 4(2): 195-208.
- Hiroaki Kojima & Katsura Morimoto:
- Systematics of the genus Sphinxis Roelofs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Entomological Science, 3(3): 529-556.
- Teiji Sota, Yasuoki Takami, Kohei Kubota & Ryosuke Ishikawa:
- Geographic variation in body size of some Japanese Leptocarabus species (Coleoptera: Carabidae): the toppled-domino pattern in species along a geographic cline. Entomological Science, 3(2): 309-320.
- Morito Higaki & Yoshikazu Ando:
- Seasonal and altitudinal adaptations in three katydid species: Ecological significance of initial diapause. Entomological Science, 2(1): 1-11.
- Kazuo Ohno:
- Brood guarding in Trissolcus plautiae (Watanabe) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), an egg parasitoid of the brown-winged green bug, Plautia crossota stali Scott (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae). Entomological Science, 2(1): 41-47.
- Yuji Kimura & Shinzo Masaki:
- Diapause programming with variable critical daylength under changing photoperiodic conditions in Mamestra brassicae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Entomological Science, 1(4): 467-475.
- Kiyoto Maekawa, Toru Miura, Osamu Kitade & Tadao Matsumoto:
- Genetic variation and molecular phylogeny based on the mitochondrial genes of the Damp Wood Termite Hodotermopsis japonica (Isoptera: Termopsidae). Entomological Science, 1(4): 561-571.